Friday, 7 May 2010

Social system is based on caste system: Gurudas Dasgupta

Speech in Lok Sabha, 6th May, 2010

Mr. Chairman, I join unhesitatingly the unanimity of the House that the identification of a person should be on the basis of social status, that is, caste. I agree with it totally.

The fact of the matter is that the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBCs, and Muslims are subjected to social atrocity all over the country and nobody can deny it. We have not been able to break poverty; nor have we been able to bring about economic empowerment of the people. It is a reality that the most poor people of this country belong to this section. Who are the most poor people? They are the Dalits, they are the Adivasis, the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Muslims and the Tribals. If it is so, then what is wrong in identifying them on the basis of their own identification status, that is, caste?

I do not say that caste will bring about the division of the country. It is not possible because despite the caste system, India has existed, despite the caste system, the national unity has not been impaired.It is a long history, not of today but of the past and days immemorial. Today there is a statement by the hon. Minister that the census system cannot be changed. Today there is a statement by the hon. Minister that the census system cannot be changed because it has already started. We have got the news, right or wrong, that the Cabinet is divided.

It is not for me to substantiate. There are Members of the Cabinet who say that if it is done on the basis of caste it will divide the nation. Can you wish away the caste? Is it possible? There is caste. Therefore, the point is, if there is a caste, let us do our bit and bring about a situation when we are able to bring India economically empowered on the basis of the salvation of the caste.

I wish that the Government does not take a narrow view and the Government takes a broad view and if the Government takes a broad view and accepts the unanimity of the House, then there will be a democratic sense prevailing in the Government. Therefore, I do not want to go into any jargon, any politics, anything at all. The social system is based on caste system. Therefore, it should be taken into account while the census is done. This is my submission in unity with the cross-section of the opinion that has been reflected in the House.

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